9 Easy Step on How To Make a PVC Batting Cage


Building a PVC batting cage is an affordable and convenient activity, great for baseball game practice areas. The DIY batting cage is also handy in school training areas. This is because baseball teams can get enough practice without worrying about disruptions from spectators or harming the audience with a wrong ball swing. Once you have purchased the right tools and equipment, constructing your batting cage will not be a hassle.

To build the PVC DIY batting cage, get the equipment and materials. However, before doing that, ensure you have taken the correct measurements of the area you need for the batting cage. Batting cages are simple to set up and easy to take down, though this might depend on your design preference.

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Step 1 – Obtain the Needed Materials

You can get materials for your PVC batting cage from online or offline home improvement stores. Baseball batting cages can also serve different purposes, depending on the design and the event. One of these purposes is to act as a netting barrier that keeps the ball from flying out of reach while gaming.

Some materials you will require include;

  • Two feet buckets.
  • Shovels or other digging equipment.
  • PVC pipes (not less than six inches wide)
  • PVC cement.
  • Wooden beams
  • Screw hooks.
  • 90-degree PVC elbow pipes.
  • Drilling machine
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Step 2 – Begin Constructing the Batting Cage Frame

The next step is to construct the batting cage frame. The frame supports the entire structure of the batting cage. Again, you can either use a pre-made frame or a cost-effective homemade batting cage frame.

With the correct basic knowledge and equipment, setting up a batting cage will be straightforward. However, this process may take a while and quite some effort, so seek help from family, friends, or your neighbor.

Step 3 – Dig Large Trenches and Fill Them With Cement

Use your shovel or digging equipment to dig two large trenches ten and a half feet apart, and comfortably place the buckets in each hole. Remember that the two buckets are not less than eight inches wide. However, the holes should be on solid soil that can hold during the rainy season.

Fill the buckets with wet cement four inches from the top and install an 11-foot PVC pipe in the buckets. Place the pipes in the center of the cement mix inside the buckets and hold it steady till the wet cement dries up. The adhesive must dry well to avoid a PVC pipe that is not straight.

Step 4 – Connect  a PVC Pipe

Connect a 90-degree PVC elbow pipe to the top of the vertical PVC pipes. Use the PVC cement to truss the poles to the elbow pipes. Ensure it faces the opposite pipe facing it. Allow the PVC cement to dry.

You might need help to lift another PVC pipe stretching from one 90-degree PVC elbow to another. Ask a neighbor or family to help you achieve this feat. This part might be difficult to accomplish alone. Push each end of the PVC pipe into the 90-degree PVC elbows and secure it with the PVC cement to keep it from becoming loose.

Step 5 – Create Holes in the PVC Pipes

Use a drilling machine to drill holes into the vertical PVC pipes, giving the holes a 3-foot wide spacing from the pipe’s bottom. Next, hook the screw hooks into the holes you hit on the vertical PVC pipes. Like the 90-degree PVC elbows, face the screw hooks in the opposite direction of the PVC pipes.

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Use the drilling machine to drill another hole at the bottom of the vertical PVC pipe at the center of the pipe. Next, drill another hole at the left and right of the center hole and space it 3 feet wide from the trench at the center. Thread each hole with screw hooks.

Step 6 – Dig an Extra Trench Behind the Batting Cage Area

Use your digging equipment to dig a trench 3 feet behind the PVC batting cage. Ensure the hole is 3 inches wide, 5 feet long, and centered between the horizontal PVC pipe. Since a PVC pipe will be too light to place at the center, install a 3-inch wide, 5-foot long wood beam into the hole.

Use your digging equipment to create two extra trenches from the 5-foot beam to the vertical PVC poles in the buckets. Ensure the trenches are 3-inches separate and install a wood beam in the holes.

Step 7 – Make Holes in The Wooden Beam

Drill two holes into the wooden beam, and place the hooks inside each wood beam. Ensure the holes are on opposite sides of the wooden pole and about 2 inches from the edge. Hang the net from the top of your homemade batting cage frame. Hang the net sides on the vertical PVC pipes and the wood beam hooks.

Thread the net through a 5-foot-long PVC pole and tighten the ties.

Step 8 – Place the PVC Pipes and Hoister the Net

Next, install the PVC pipe between the two pipes 6 feet up atop the net. Finally, tightly secure the PVC pipe ends with a rope at the top of the net.

It is advisable to use a net larger than the space needed so that you can drape the net loosely over the cage frame. In addition, the large net will help reduce the tension from tight netting on the cage frame and increase the net shelf life.

Step 9 – Customize Your Batting Cage

Depending on your preference, you can customize your PVC batting cage dimension to fit the space available. The proportions also depend on the size of the children that will use it. A larger batting cage will be more accommodating for adults and a smaller size for children. You only need to change the batting cage size, though the process is still the same.

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Read more: How wide is a batting cage?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Dimensions of a Batting Cage?

Typically, the size of a batting cage is 70 feet long, a height of 12 feet, and 14 feet wide. This size is the standard batting cage dimension because it gives players enough space to swing their bats without coming in contact with the cage net. As the athlete’s size differs, the size of the batting cage differs in its home plate or the pitcher’s mound.

Can You Build a Batting Cage Out of PVC?

You can build your batting cage with PVC pipes if you have the correct measurements, durable PVC pipes, and quality glue-like cement. If you have the right tools and understand how to put the batting cage together, making a batting cage out of PVC pipes will not be a hassle. Unfortunately, though, you cannot move the batting cage.

What Do You Put On the Ground Of a Batting Cage?

Before making your batting cage, you should install artificial turf over the area. Natural green grass is not ideal for your batting area surface because it wears down quickly and requires constant maintenance. However, crushed stone fines are better because of their sturdiness and sure footing during practice. Though durable, it may render the balls useless due to its abrasive feature.

How Much Net Should Be on the Ground for a Batting Cage?

There is no need for a net on the ground for a batting cage. If you are referring to how much net you will need for making the cage, a 70 feet long netting should suffice. The durability of the net is also essential, especially if you are building a permanent batting cage. Nylon is the best option for the net material because it has a high break strength.

How Do You Make a Baseball Backstop?

To make a baseball backstop, you need to measure and design the blueprint for the space you would use. Then, get the necessary materials you need for the backstop. Backstops increase the quality of your field and safeguard your audience from foul balls. For example, since you need three fences for your backstop, dig four holes for the fence posts, place them in position and hook a durable net on them.


You do not need much expertise to make a PVC DIY batting cage. With the right tools, you can create a PVC batting cage for your team members or recreation. However, if you do not want to go through the process of making a batting cage, you can purchase one from an online or offline store.

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