How Long is a Batting Cage? [Best Dimensions]

A batting cage gives you an excellent way of practicing or improving your batting skills at home. It should be used by only two people at a time. These two people are a batter and a pitcher or a pitching machine operator. The batter responds by hitting the balls that come from the pitcher or the pitching machine. Even though these structures are easy to install at home, you need to be careful about the size. They should not be too big or too small. How long is a batting cage? In this article, we shall guide you on the correct measurements a batting cage should have.

How much space do I need for a home batting cage?

Before you install a batting cage, it is important to ensure that you have enough space where it can fit perfectly.  Since batting cages should be 70 feet long, 14 feet wide and 12 feet high, you need to ensure that you have a bigger space. You should also leave a clearance of about 4 feet around the cage in case there are some obstructions such as a tree or a chain-link fence.

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How big is a backyard batting cage?

Batting cages should be 70 feet long, 14 feet wide and 12 feet high. Such cages are suitable for both left and right-handed batters. Again, both players can use it safely without damaging the netting. A 70 feet long cage creates enough space for storing baseball equipment such as ball carts, portable mounds, etc.  The 14 feet width is also important since it will be perfect for players of different sizes. Since you need to allow the netting to sag, it should have a height of 12 feet with a playable height of 11 feet.

How much does it cost to install a home batting cage?

The installation costs of a batting cage depend on various things such as the size and quality of materials.  You may also need to pay a professional if you are not sure how it is done. On average, installing a batting cage may cost you $1000 to $2500. When installing a ready-made batting cage, the price may not be too high, especially those that are made of netting.

Should I hire a professional for batting cage installation?

It is not a must to hire an expert when installing a batting cage, especially if it is for your kid or just for fun.  Using bating cage kits will make the work easier but you need to level the ground to make the installation firm and secure. The safety of the batting cage is very important and in case you are not sure about installation, you should look for an expert.

Which are the different types of batting cages?

There are only two types of batting cages which are indoor and outdoor batting cages. These cages differ as follows;

  • Outdoor batting cages- These are installed in home compounds or backyards. They are a bit bigger than the indoor batting cages and they require some time to set them up. 
  • Indoor batting cages – Indoor batting cages are mostly installed in the garage or basements. They are very easy to install since you just need to hand the netting on the available overhead cable lines. You will also need a steel plate to connect them to the wall and strong anchors for the netting.
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Is a 35-foot batting cage long enough?

The recommended batting cage length is 70 feet. However, bating cages that are 35 to 50 feet long are also perfect for players of different sizes. They are more suitable for short-field drills such as short tosses exercises since these do not require a lot of space.

Do batting cages balls damage bats?         

Compared to ordinary baseballs, batting cages are heavier and denser.  Therefore, they are likely to use dents on your bats. Again, these balls may cause bat failure and that’s not covered in the warranty.

Do heavy balls ruin bats?

Heavy baseballs like those used in batting cages can easily break the composite fibers of bats.  This reduces the bounce as well as the effectiveness of the bat. It also causes them to wear out quickly.  Therefore, you should never hit a weighted or a heavy baseball with a composite bat.

Can you hit batting cage balls with a wooden bat?

When practicing in a batting cage, aluminum or metallic bats are the best due to their sturdy construction. Since the balls used in these cages are heavier than normal baseballs, they are likely to damage wooden bats. 

Is it OK to hit baseballs with a softball bat?

Softball bats are made of weaker materials than baseball bats. This means that they can easily get destroyed by baseballs since they are a bit heavy and are thrown at a high speed. Therefore, you cannot use softball bats to play baseball.

What is bat rolling in baseball?

Is it legal to roll a bat?

It is not illegal to roll a bat since composite bats are normally tested by rolling before they are approved for play. This ensures that the bat won’t exceed the set performance standards when it becomes hot after being used for longer sessions.

How long is a typical batting cage?

The most suitable length of the batting cage should be 70 feet. Such a length will prevent players from creating backswing contacts with the cage’s netting.

What is the size of a softball batting cage?

Most softball batting cages are 55 feet long, 12 feet high and 12-14 feet wide. This means that they are smaller than the baseball batting cages.

Conclusion: How long is a batting cage?

The perfect length for a batting cage is 70 feet. It should be 12 feet high and 14 inches wide. Since a batting cage will be perfect for people of different sizes. It will also be comfortable for the batter since he can run comfortably when hitting the balls coming from the pitcher. Make sure that you have enough space where the batting cage can easily fit. These cages can be installed outdoors or indoors as per your requirements.

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